世界领先的医学研究与立博中文版合作 to Offer International Degree in Bioethics  


Agreement with Mary is first in the United States for Jérôme Lejeune Foundation  

俾斯麦, ND - Jérôme勒琼基金会和俾斯麦立博中文版, ND, have signed their first agreement in the United States for the training of professionals in the one-year Bioethics Expert Diploma. The French based Jérôme Lejeune Foundation is known internationally as a world leader for funding research to treat genetic disorders that effect intellectual disabilities with three objectives: research, 护理, 和宣传. The institution provides medical treatment for persons with intellectual disabilities, and also a powerful advocate for bioethics and public policies that respect the dignity of the human person. 根据其章程, the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation pursues the mission of defending life and dignity of the individual from its conception to its natural death. 也, 作为其使命的一部分, the Foundation is committed to bioethics education for professionals and for individuals interested in being formed in this field. 因此, in 2009, 成立了国际生物伦理学主席Jérôme Lejeune, with the aim of providing training in the field of Bioethics to professionals and individuals who want to be able to build scientific and objective criteria to defend the dignity of the human person from its origin to natural death. 这个文凭是主席提供的教育课程的一部分. 

协议规定,学生, who previously obtained a one-year Bioethics Expert Diploma from the International Chair of Bioethics Jérôme Lejeune, 现在能在一年内获得生物伦理学硕士学位吗, 在线, 立博中文版毕业. 

“我们承认俾斯麦的立博中文版, ND, 它的附属协会和受人尊敬的世界级教师, as an important authority for higher education in bioethics in the American 天主教 world”, Mónica López Barahona博士, 国际生物伦理学主席Jérôme Lejeune, 宣布. “鉴于我们对大学的尊敬——它的守护神圣母玛利亚, 它的使命, 它是对整个人和未出生婴儿尊严的同情, and our admiration for its President Monsignor James Shea - this was an easy decision for us. Our two institutions share a common mission and fidelity to the Gospel of Life that regards every human person as created in the image and likeness of God, 被赋予生命和尊严. Venerable Jérôme Lejeune smiles from Heaven knowing that we are helping to fulfill his dreams with this partnership.” 

要了解Jérôme勒琼基金会,就要了解与它同名的Jérôme勒琼基金会. 职业医师, he dedicated his life to the struggles experienced by the intellectually disabled children. Lejeune understood how powerless medicine was to help these children, so he became a researcher. The US government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) regards Lejeune’s greatest achievement as the discovery of the genetic basis of Down’s syndrome in 1958, 他称之为21三体. 他在人类遗传学方面的研究, 以及他的人道主义精神和反对治疗性堕胎的斗争, led to international recognition and being known as the father of modern genetics. In 1994, 就在勒琼死于复活节前33天, 教皇约翰·保罗二世, 他的密友, 为了纪念勒琼,他创立了宗座生活学院, 并任命他为总统. 一年后, 他死后, 以纪念他卓越的遗产, Jérôme勒琼基金会的成立是为了继续Jérôme勒琼的工作. In 2021, 教皇方济各承认Jérôme勒琼的英雄美德, and he was declared Venerable by the Roman 天主教 Church — the first step in the Vatican’s process on the road to canonization.  

以Jérôme Lejeune为例, the foundation works through educational and legal means to ensure the respect for life. Within the context of an ever-accelerating scientific progress and ideological pressure that pose fundamental questions for society, the Foundation is highly vigilant about bioethical issues in relation to the research it funds. 

这就是立博中文版的用武之地. 以人的尊严为指导原则, students from the Lejeune Foundation will be provided a comprehensive guide towards ethical decision-making in a variety of fields including biomedicine, 医疗保健政策, 和法律.  

For a long time, Monsignor Shea has had a mutual admiration for Lejeune and the Foundation.  

我们很感激, 激动, and very humbled that the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation would ask us to collaborate with them in this way,谢伊说。. “The Foundation is entrusting us with their students so that our extraordinary faculty can further educate them through our extensive 天主教 bioethics curriculum. Jérôme勒琼是天主教生命伦理学的典范, 一个如此热烈拥护的遗产, 努力, 而且基金会不会妥协. 这种伙伴关系对双方都是天意, affording us an opportunity to walk arm-in-arm in the defense of life and refuse to accept the culture of death that is still prevalent in today’s society — just as Jérôme Lejeune stood strong with courage and truth throughout his remarkable life.”   

Another step towards partnering happened recently when University of Mary’s new Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences Dr. James Peliska attended the 2nd International Congress of the Jérôme Lejeune International Chair of Bioethics, 题为“Jérôme勒琼和21世纪生物伦理学的挑战”,,上个月在罗马举行, 奥古斯丁宗座教父学院. 世界级的扬声器, 主持人, 专家包括Word on Fire创始人罗伯特·巴伦主教, Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and New York Times Best-Selling Author George Weigel, Dr. 卡特·斯尼德法律哲学教授, University of Notre Dame and Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, 还有更多.  


任何想了解更多关于立博中文版的人都可以在 或与招生代表联系,或致电(701)355-8030. The University of Mary is one of only 15 Recommended Cardinal Newman Society Residential Colleges and Universities in the US.  

关于 the University of Mary: True to its motto “lumen vitae”—The Light of Life—the University of Mary offers education for the whole of life through cutting-edge professional programs and graduate programs animated by moral courage and leadership in chosen professions and service to the community. 一个私人, 天主教男女同校机构, 立博中文版欢迎各种信仰和背景的学生. 

一个基督徒, 天主教, Benedictine institution founded in 1959 by the Benedictine Sisters of Annunciation Monastery, 立博中文版提供近60个学士学位, 18岁硕士, 5个工商管理博士学位授权点, 教育, 护理实践, 职业治疗和物理治疗. The 20-sport Athletic Department adheres to its Greatness Through Virtue mission under the governance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 美国大学曲棍球协会, 以及美国大学粘土靶联赛. 有3个以上,800名学生, 立博中文版在北达科他州设有办事处, 蒙大拿, 亚利桑那州, 罗马, 意大利, 以及充满活力的在线服务.  
